The popular messaging app WhatsApp’s latest Android beta release includes a new function. It is now easier to access AI-powered chat assistants within apps. As the artificial intelligence storm keeps spreading across the globe, Meta continues to add new capabilities to its instant messaging program WhatsApp. This time around, the feature will be in the realm of artificial intelligence.
The new feature uncovered in the current Android beta version of WhatsApp demonstrates that artificial intelligence-based chat helpers have been improved. Access to artificial intelligence conversation helpers is realized by a button in the chat section of the “” programmed Android beta version of the application.
Previously, the assistants were not displayed on the application’s home screen, making it extremely difficult to access them. This artificial intelligence conversation helper is accessible via a purple and blue round button located next to the “New Chat” button. Assistants powered by Meta AI were debuted in September and made quite an impression.
However, because this feature is under beta, it is unclear whether it will be included in the public version. It is unknown when the beta version with this little but useful functionality will be released.